Friends of the Bible Society of Egypt
Your Partnership is helping provide God’s Word to the people of Egypt.
Join us by giving through
any of the following methods:
All donations are tax deductible. Please choose one of the following options:
Bank check
Checks should be written in the name of "Bibles 4 Egypt Canada" and mailed to:
9011 Leslie Street Suite 303
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3B6
We also accept donations via electronic fund transfer (EFT). You can send e-transfers to:
To give in Egyptian Pounds, please choose one of the following options:
Deposit or bank transfer
You can transfer using the IBAN account number:
Fawry outlets
Bible Society Egypt service number:
Cash or Check
To give in person, please contact us and we will send you a Bible Society representative:
Cash or CheckAll donations are tax deductible.
To give from anywhere else in the world in US Dollars.
Deposit or bank transfer
You can transfer using the IBAN account number: